- Information
EO event for those who arrive early!

Here is an EO event for those who come to Discover Okinawa ahead of time to enjoy Okinawa.
ABF (Asian Bridge Form) is hosting a “COZY Beach Party”.
There is a group called ABF that started in 2007 and conducts global forums in Asia three times a year.
In Okinawa, it is held on October 3-5, and the COZY Beach Party is the farewell party with 230 participants.
Here, there will be crab and ramen sponsored by EO members, a fish market atmosphere, and exciting entertainment.
Many Discover Okinawa participants will be there, so please come and join the party!
Discover Okinawaにひと足先に来られた方が、沖縄を楽しんでもらえるEOイベントをご紹介します。
ABF(Asian Bridge Form)が行う【COZYビーチパーティー】です。
Discover Okinawa参加者も多く来ますので、ぜひ、パーティーに、お越しください!
EVENT DATE: 2023/10/4(Wed) 18:00-21:00
- Booking Link /予約フォーム
- VENUE:FND Cozy Beach Club
https://cozy-7.com/Naminoue Uesora Park, Tsuji3-2, Naha city, Okinawa 990-0037
〒900-0037 沖縄県那覇市辻3丁目-2 波の上うみそら公園内 - TRANSPORT:Shuttel bus available.
Depature:Prefectural Government Office (Kenmin Hiroba Square) 17:30
Return:Kokusai street
行き:県庁前(県民広場) 17:30出発