Ryukyu historical tour JTB paid tour

Let's take a TAV to see and feel the valuable tour of Ryukyu mythology and history!
・Date and time: October 7th, 8am-12pm
・Location (meeting place): Hotel lobby
・Capacity: 20-80 people
・Cost: $100 *No refunds after September 23rd*
・Clothing: Comfortable to move around in
・What to bring: drinks, umbrella (in case of rain)
・Other: Come rain or shine, the event proceeds as scheduled
・If you attend this program, you will not be able to participate in the Sports Learning program from 11:00 due to time constraints.
Sign up here:
・日時 10月7日 朝8時-12時
・定員 20-80名
・費用 100ドル(事前決済) ※ 9月23日以降の返金不可※
・服装 動きやすい格好
・持ち物 ドリンク、傘(雨の時)
・その他 雨天決行
FLY BOARD Paid activities

Come and have the best experience of flying in the skies of Okinawa!
・Date and time: October 7th, 8am-10am
・Location (meeting place) Hotel lobby
・Capacity: 4-12 people
・Cost: $80 per person (insurance included) *No refunds after September 23rd*
・Clothing: Swimsuit or clothes you don't mind getting wet
・What to bring: Drinks, change of clothes, towel
・Other: Come rain or shine, the event proceeds as scheduled
・Deadline: September 22nd
Application closed! Thank you.
・日時 10月7日 朝8時-10時
・定員 4-12名
・費用 1人80ドル(保険込)※ 9月23日以降の返金不可※
・服装 水着または濡れてもいい格好
・持ち物 ドリンク、着替え、タオル
・締め切り 9月22日
Beach Practical Karate Practice (Mitts, sparring)
・Date and time: October 7th, 8am-10am
・Location (meeting place): hotel lobby
・Capacity: None
・Cost: Free
・Clothing: Wearing the uniform from the second day
・Sign up :Not required
・日時:10月7日 朝8時-10時
・お申し込み:不要 -
Beach yoga
・Date and time: October 7th, 8am-10am
・Location (meeting place): Hotel lobby
・Capacity: 15 people ※First come, first serve basis on the day
・Cost: Free
・Clothing: Comfortable to move around in
・What to bring: Drinks
・Sign up :Not required
・日時:10月7日 朝8時-10時
・定員:15名 ※当日先着
・お申し込み:不要 -
Morning RUN
・Date and time: October 7th, 7am-9am
・Location (meeting place): Hotel lobby
・Capacity: None
・Cost: Free
・Clothing: Comfortable to move around in
・What to bring: Nothing in particular
・Distance: approx. 5 km
・Sign up :Not required
・日時:10月7日 朝7時-9時
・お申し込み:不要 -